Saturday, March 22, 2014

Workplace Solutions: My new series of self help books for professional development

Well, the new series of "Workplace Solutions" self help books I created to deliver professional development training to budding leaders and entrepreneurs are at last online and available as Kindle books, the paperback copies are taking a bit longer to come live for sale online at Amazon, but they are done.

I also have a short report written specifically for women learning how to negotiate in the workplace.

I'll be posting more here later about all 4 new books, and that the Raw Food Diet book is now also available as a paperback, and I have just released a paperback book with the entire 6 natural health and beauty Kindle books in my series... 7 Ways in 7 Days!

Busy times.

If you would like to get a quick preview of the first books in the Workplace Solutions series, check out the links here:

Oh and you can also grab the boxed set of 6 books for Natural Health and Beauty here as a Kindle how to book download - beautifully illustrated just like the kindle books:

The link to the paperback version (400 pages!!) will show soon on the page too I hope.

This new book is a collection of the original 6 kindle books: