Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Preparing my Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Caregivers Guide - free download soon!

I'm embarrassed by how long it takes me to prepare each book between publications! I've had a fascinating couple of years with uprooting from my countryside home base, to finally making my last house move back to the city of Melbourne.

And its taken me a few more months to shake the hay straw from out of my hair and head!

Anyway, I decided to have a go at publishing my new free caregivers guide, and have got the report prepared by Warren, waiting for my notes, and I've got the cover ready... woo hoo... getting there at last!

Here is an excerpt and the cover design... what do you think?


Where to start?

The first step we suggested was to learn what you can about CFS.
Let’s begin with what it means to you that your loved one has CFS and is not suffering from a different problem.

The steps above are general guidelines for carers, be it old-aged parents, cancer suffers, people who have accidents. They are also guidelines for carers of CFS suffers and so they apply to you. It is a little different for you though as your situation is not clear cut like it is with many of those other conditions. It is often difficult to understand just what you are dealing with when CFS is the problem and most people around you don’t ‘get’ just what the problem is. Often you do not get support or sympathy from people around you.

This is why you need to do the research to understand what is involved with CFS.

The fact that you are currently reading through this information book means you are active in your search. You have already taken positive action and that is good.

You will probably be aware by now that CFS is not a condition that’s generally diagnosed in its own right. Normally it is considered to be a possible explanation of the symptoms that the person is suffering but as other things could also be the cause for those symptoms there is a long path that is taken before a diagnosis of CFS is made. Medical professionals will look into Fibromyalgia, Chronic heart or respiratory problems, even MS. Many authorities see CFS and ME (Myalgic Encephalopathy) as being the same condition.

If this sounds confused and difficult to get your head around when you are beginning to understand how CFS is diagnosed. Generally every other possible condition that might give these symptoms are reviewed and only when they are all ruled out is the condition formally labelled as CFS, as it is then the only remaining explanation.

That makes it hard for people around the sufferer to come to terms with what they are dealing with. For the longest time people with CFS were considered to be malingerers who should just shake themselves out of it and get their lives together.

For many individuals who suffer from the condition they have themselves believed initially that this is all in their mind and that they are showing weakness by not being able to live up to the responsibilities of their daily life.

People sometimes question if the sufferer really is sick at all!

The reality is that CFS is a health problem and it can drag the sufferer down to lower and lower levels of energy till some people reach such a low point that they may only be out of bed for a few hours a day and even when they have a long sleep they wake up tired and lethargic.

The sufferer has often seen their life shrink around them, like sand trickling through an hourglass they find that the normal activities of a normal life become harder and harder to undertake. They slowly cut themselves out social activity, sport becomes too hard as they are too tired, then work or study starts to be too much as they start having to take days off to rest.

 New cover design for the report:


 So, slowly but surely I'm getting to the third installment which is a companion to How to Beat Chronic Fatigue Syndrome...and get your life back! and the next in the series; Nutritional Therapy Guide for a CFS to eat yourself healthy again by Warren Tattersall and Helene Malmsio

I'm pleased to tell you that the Vol 1 achieved Best Seller status on Amazon!

If you would like to check them out, visit amazon.  click the banner below:

I am in the process of republishing them to sell direct on my own website as well, so that you can get the book in pdf, and mobi for kindle, and epub for your mobile smartphone reading convenience.

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